Monday, May 31, 2010

Mommies Magic Kisses...

Does your child(ren) say that they are afraid of a monster in their closet or under their bed? Or they want you to sleep with them, because they are scared of having a bad dream...

Mommies Magic Kisses:

Monster’s Beware...

While you are tucking your child(ren) into bed (make it a routine). Tell your child(ren) that your good night kiss is magical, and once you give them (your child(ren) ) their good night kiss. The monsters will magically disappear, because your child(ren) have mommies magical kiss, that will scare them away, and the monsters don’t like to be scared ...

Bye Bye Bad Dreams...

Same goes for Bad Dreams. If your child(ren) has a bad dream every now and then (make it a routine). After tucking them in; tell your child(ren) that by kissing each of their eyelids with mommies magic kisses. It will help to keep the bad dreams away...

This will hopefully help your child(ren) to be able to over come their fears. When it’s time for night nights...